Export Twitter Search Results

Save time and effort by exporting users or tweets from searches or hashtags to CSV with just one click. Analyze tweet data, track user activity, archive content, and manage your social media strategy more effectively.

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Twitter Search & Hashtag Scraper

Our Twitter Search & Hashtag Scraper simplifies the process of extracting and saving tweets from search results. Say goodbye to manual data collection and embrace the power of streamlined data exports for informed decision-making.

What type of data can you export via our Twitter Search Exporter

The following table lists all supported data fields.

For the search tabs "Top", "Latest" and "Media":
Field NameDescription
Tweet IDA unique identifier assigned to each Twitter post.
Tweet TextThe text of the Tweet.
TypeThe type of the post, such as "Tweet", "Retweet", "Reply" or "Quoted tweet".
Author NameThe author name of the Tweet.
Author UsernameThe author username of the Tweet.
Creation TimeThe creation time of the Tweet.
Reply CountNumber of times the Tweet has been replied to.
Retweet CountNumber of times the Tweet has been retweeted.
Quote CountNumber of times the Tweet has been quoted.
Like CountNumber of times the Tweet has been liked.
View CountNumber of times the Tweet has been viewed.
Bookmark CountNumber of times the Tweet has been bookmarked.
LanguageThe language code of the Tweet.
Possibly SensitiveIndicates whether the Tweet's content may be sensitive.
SourceUtility used to post the Tweet.
HashtagsHashtags included in the Tweet text.
Tweet URLThe URL of the Tweet.
Media TypeThe type of media contained in the Tweet, such as "photo" or "video".
Media URLsThe URLs of media contained in the Tweet.
External URLsThe URLs of other sites contained in the Tweet.
For the search tab "People":
Field NameDescription
User IDA unique identifier assigned to each Twitter user.
UsernameThe public name that a Twitter user chooses to represent themselves.
NameThe name of a Twitter user.
LocationThe location information of a Twitter user.
CategoryThe professional category that a Twitter user identifies themselves with.
Creation TimeThe account creation time of a Twitter user.
Follower CountThe total number of followers a Twitter user has.
Following CountThe total number of users a Twitter user follows.
Tweet CountThe total number of tweets a Twitter user has posted.
Media CountThe total number of videos or photos a Twitter user has posted.
Like CountThe total number of tweets a Twitter user has liked.
Public List CountThe total number of public lists a Twitter user is a member of.
Is VerifiedIndicates whether the Twitter account is verified or not.
Is ProtectedIndicates whether the Twitter account is private or not.
Can DMIndicates whether the Twitter account can receive direct messages.
Can Tag in MediaIndicates whether the Twitter account can be tagged in media.
Possibly SensitiveIndicates whether the Twitter account's content may be sensitive.
BiographyThe text that a Twitter user has written about themselves.
User HomepageA link to the user's Twitter homepage.
Avatar URLThe URL of the Twitter user's profile picture.
Profile Banner URLThe URL of the Twitter user's profile banner.

Start for free today

Sign up for a free plan today and start exporting your valuable Twitter data!

What our customers are saying

Trusted by business owners, creators, influencers and marketers all over the world.


Start for free, stay for the value.



Get started for free

  • Export up to 200 tweets or users
  • Support nearly all kinds of search links
  • Export tweets from the search tabs "Top", "Latest" and "Media"
  • Export users from the search tab "People"
  • Automatically handling Twitter's rate limit
  • Save as CSV / Excel
Get started



Suitable for trying out

  • Export UNLIMITED tweets or users
  • Support nearly all kinds of search links
  • Export tweets from the search tabs "Top", "Latest" and "Media"
  • Export users from the search tab "People"
  • Automatically handling Twitter's rate limit
  • Save as CSV / Excel
  • Priority customer support
Get started

Frequently asked questions

Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.

    • What is Twitter Search & Hashtag Scraper?

      Twitter Search & Hashtag Scraper is a tool that allows you to export users or tweets from searches or hashtags to a CSV or Excel file. This can be useful to identify potential leads, tailor your marketing campaigns, and gain deeper insights into your audience.
    • How to find a Twitter search link?

      Go to the Twitter homepage, enter your search query (keywords, hashtags, or phrases) into the search bar, and press Enter. The URL in your browser's address bar will be the search link.
    • How to Export Twitter search results?

      To Export Twitter search results, simply add our extension to browser and create an account. Once you have signed in, you can input the search link that you want to export and click the "Export" button. The results will be exported to a CSV or Excel file, which you can then download to your computer.
    • How to upgrade my plan?

      To upgrade your plan, please note that the process currently requires manual intervention from our side. To initiate the upgrade, kindly reach out to our support team and provide them with the details of your desired plan. They will assist you in upgrading to the plan that best fits your needs.
    • What is Twitter rate limit?

      Twitter imposes rate limits to manage the volume of requests to its API and prevent abuse. Typically, the most common rate limit interval is 15 minutes. However, rest assured that our app already handles these rate limits seamlessly. It will automatically pause and retry, ensuring uninterrupted exports.
    • Can I cancel my subscription?

      You can cancel your subscription at any time. You can do this from your extension's subscription page.